Citizens' surgeries
Citizens submit petitions to the State Parliament by post, fax or online through the homepage of the State Parliament of Hesse (online petition).
The Petition Committee regularly gives citizens the chance to talk directly to its members. At these surgeries, citizens may discuss a specific issue, provided it concerns a request or complaint concerning actions or failures to act on the part of the authorities of the State of Hesse. Citizens have used these surgeries offered by the Petition Committee to put their questions about official decisions or problems with social authorities, the tax office or building authorities. The Petition Committee also deals with residence matters.
The surgeries are held in the State Parliament building in Wiesbaden and also in other towns in Hesse. Dates are published in good time on our internet site. You are requested to arrange an appointment in good time.
Surgery appointment:
E-mail: petitionen [at] ltg.hessen.de (petitionen[at]ltg[dot]hessen[dot]de)
Phone: +49 (0)611 350 229