Guides tours
Come and visit us and find out more about the State Parliament of Hesse. Tours are also available in other languages.
Visiting plenary sessions
When parliament is in session, it is possible to watch plenary sessions live from the visitors' gallery if you book in advance. First of all, you go to the media room where you will be told about the work of parliament, the session currently being held and how the visit is organised.
After the visit to the plenary session, we can also, on request, organise personal meetings with members of parliament from the different parties, members of the government and the government administration.
The meetings are usually attended by members of parliament from the constituency from which the group originates. The visitor groups may request to talk to specific members of parliament and this request will be passed on to the parliamentary parties. However, it is the parliamentary parties alone who decide who is to talk to particular groups. Even if a specific member of parliament has been named, changes and cancellations are always possible as a result of urgent requirements in connection with the current plenary session.
The programme lasts three hours.
For school groups, we recommend that the pupils should be at least 13- 14 years old. Please use the "Grabenstrasse" entrance if you are visiting when parliament is in session.
Special interest tours
We can organise group tours that cater for particular interests. Please ask our visitor service if you require a special interest tour.
Special tours
Group tours of the works of Vollrad Kutscher, "Leuchtende Vorbilder” (Shining Examples) in Wiesbaden Museum, and “Himmel über Hessen. Licht-gestalten”, (The Skies over Hesse. Shining Lights) in the plenary chamber last around 2 hours (Tuesday to Sunday) and can be booked through the visitor service.
Virtual online tour
Would you like to take a look behind the scenes now? Then enter the building and go on a virtual tour.
Guided tours of Wiesbaden
The city of Wiesbaden organises guided tours of the capital of Hesse.
Sandra Thomas
Schlossplatz 1–3
65183 Wiesbaden
Phone: +49 (0)611 350 294
Fax: +49 (0)611 350 1308
E-Mail: besuch [at] ltg.hessen.de